
he came he went: a reflection

THE SENIOR SIBLING took ship with us, as previously described, once more – on this autumnal visit to our southern estates, his fourth visit no less, his first being by air in 2018, thereafter by road (riding shotgun) and returning by rail. We had very little persuasion to apply to my brother regarding using rail to make his returns to the motherland: he saw the sense of it and accepted our point blank refusal from thereon to pick up visitors gracing us with their presence from airports, which we despise. We did it twice for Dr B, I seem to recall, and it was the decider: no more visitors by air if you please (although if they make their own way to 1rueFB, to and from, we might still be tolerant to a degree but I doubt it: best not put it to the test). 

Both Terry and Doc B are seasoned travellers of course so they have no fear when it comes to meeting travel head on in a country that trades in a foreign lingo. True, bro expressed some nervousness about the weird ways of Ouigo but disguised it well, and of course, his three experiences of this cheap and ‘cheerful’ TGV (sardine) alternative all seemed to have worked reasonably well. At least, that is what he has declared. I’ll tell you this: in all frankness, I would have been the ultimate bag of nerves at such a endeavour, it is so long since I set foot on a train let alone a froggie go-quick! And I hate travelling solo too, always did. I salute our visitors who come and go this way (friend Anne must take the gold star in that respect although I think she eschews Ouigo utterly; she of course is at home with the language, speaks it well I am given to believe, so stuff like TGV vagaries are a piece of cake to her, and ditto the son-and-heir when he pops down for his annual inspection). 

Anyway. Terry came and went. Visitors to this post may now go and get a pression, pastis or noisette (the choice is yours, we’re not paying) because the rest of this rant simply flags up what we entertained our visitor with; mostly low key stuff I am afraid, no massive château tours and benchmark exhibitions with us to stimulate the pulses hereabouts, that’s for sure. If you want that pay up at the travel agency of your choice and let us know how it was for you. We are the retiring type (Mme M demurs from this so make that singular). 

Glad to have you with us T, hope it wasn’t dull. 

I am indebted to Dorte and Liz for the representations of social jollity reproduced above, recorded on the occasion of an apéro to which we were invited, chez Roberts, together with Dorte and Søren the Danes, already sold up, and here as mere tourists from now on…… things are changing fast, I very much fear…