
travellers drop by

We've had two visitors drop by this spring: friend Anne blew in shortly after we had signed in at 1Rue FB, en route to Nice, from Nîmes this time I gather, and friend Nicola, who stopped by from Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris, en route to the Vermeer show in Amsterdam via Puglia in southern Italy; I can't explain how or why just now, its complicated. It is the truth though. 

It was a delight to see N here, a first for her and thus a first for us, obviously. We gave her in the short time she was ensconced ici a hopefully varied taster-menu of what makes things tick here for us: our friends here that were in residence (both here in Sablet and Gigondas) to be presented to, a sampling of a village or two, a hillside or two, a walk here and another there…and some victuals, plat-du-jours, markets and a modicum of rouge. This post just marks her visit, thanks for dropping by, both … see you sometime soon again at 1RueFB as long as the shack remains in our portfolio!

But please (general note to would be visitors not proceeding with independent transport means): come by train or TGV and try to get as close to Sabbers as you can. We've stopped collecting from airports; we'd quite like to give Avignon TGV a miss from hereon as well… There are now connecting services to the TGV to within a few miles of Sablet, like Orange, or better still Monteux, which Anne has tested – they work when not falling victim to strike action, obvs. To which end, both our guests played ball willingly and with enthusiasm.  Thanks y'all!